A podcast for the good life

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What does it take to flourish? We started Flourish FM to share cutting edge research from world experts on how to thrive, so you can take away big ideas and practical steps to enhance your life, the lives of others, and, ultimately, make the world a better place.
Flourish FM is hosted by Dr. Jon Beale and Dr. Nick Holton, and in collaboration with the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University, the Antifragile Academy, the Department of Education at the University of Oxford, and The Shipley School.
"I love the idea of flourishing being the primary theme of a podcast as oppossed to some molecular level of self-improvement."
-Todd Kashdan, Ph.D.
George Mason Distinguished Researcher & Professor of Psychology, Bestselling Author
"I love the project you guys are working on and I have immense respect for you guys. It was wonderful."
-Scott Barry Kaufman Ph.D.
Columbia University Distinguished Researcher & Professor of Psychology, Bestselling Author
Dr. Nick Holton's work focuses on helping individuals, teams, businesses, and organizations identify, plan for and actualize both their fulfillment and potential through the application of the cutting-edge science of human flourishing and antifragility.
Dr. Holton is the co-founder of The Antifragile Academy, which seeks to improve well-being, resilience and performance in high pressure environments. He also serves as a private coach and consultant, working with professional athletes, Fortune 100 executives, first responders, entrepreneurs, schools and more.
Nick has given keynote talks or delivered trainings across the U.S. and Europe, India, Australia, Uganda, Singapore, Mexico, South America and many more. His work and thoughts have been featured on podcasts like The Darin Olien Show and The Psychology Podcast and he has contributed to the bestselling book, Peak Performance: Mindset Tools for Athletes, and editorials like Fast Company.
In addition to reviewing manuscripts for the Journal of Happiness Studies, Dr. Holton is also a member of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists, the International Positive Psychology Association, and the International Positive Education Network.
Dr. Jon Beale is a researcher, coach, writer, keynote speaker and consultant whose research focuses on human flourishing, particularly how to most effectively promote flourishing in workplaces and education.
Jon is a Research Affiliate at the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University and has previously held research positions at the University of Oxford and Eton College. He is a performance and well-being coach for the Flow Research Collective and the Center for Human Potential.
Jon is co-editor of four books on philosophy and education, including The Future of Education, forthcoming from Oxford University Press. He has published 30 peer-reviewed articles in academic journals, and has published articles in media outlets including the New York Times.
Jon has given over 50 invited talks in 13 countries across five continents on philosophy, education, and performance, to academic audiences at universities including Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge and Yale, public audiences at venues including the Royal Society of Arts, and to businesses including Bain Capital in London and Disney World in Florida. He has been interviewed by publications and podcasts including The Psychologist and Flow Radio.
About Our Supporters
The Antifragile Academy is a training, coaching and consulting group that helps athletes, first responders, executives and educators develop greater well-being, increased resilience and optimal performance.
Co-founded by Dr. Adam Wright, Director of Mental Performance for the Washington Nationals and Dr. Nick Holton, TAA provides science-backed, time-tested content, training programs, exercises and resources that helps their partners develop antifragility, and through it, their highest potentials.
We're glad to have the support of Dr. Matthew Lee and the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University. Dr. Lee is a member of the Global Study of Human Flourishing research team, and he leads the Program's Community of Practice. He is also a Distinguished Visiting Scholar of Health, Flourishing, and Positive Psychology at Stony Brook University’s Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics, a non-resident Research Fellow at Baylor University's Institute for Studies of Religion, and a Visiting Scholar at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. He is co-editor of Measuring Well-Being: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Social Sciences and the Humanities and co-author of The Heart of Religion: Spiritual Empowerment, Benevolence, and the Experience of God’s Love, both published by Oxford University Press. Flourishing.
The Shipley School is a leading institution in the practices of educating for human flourishing. Educating to flourish is an approach to educational practice that promotes a focus on actualizing human potential. While this means continuing to prioritize the development of traditionally “academic” competencies, it also recognizes that these competencies are a small part of what leads human beings to live good, impactful lives. Using data-driven methods backed by various scientific fields such as neuroscience, educational psychology, behavioral economics, positive psychology and more, the goal of Shipley’s approach is to cultivate flourishing, the synergistic combination of well-being and optimal performance. Further, to do so for all constituencies that make up the entire Shipley community.